
Lady Gaga just released her music video for You and I. Alejandro and I watched it, and it’s beautiful. We thought about how cool it would be to work on something so grand and epic and have a team making projects like these. God would I have loved to direct that. Sometimes it gets so bad that I can’t watch music videos. But like Tarantino said, to get big, the best thing to do is “make Reservoir Dogs.” So that I will do…
It reminds me of this beautiful cover of Born This Way by Tyler Ward. I fell in love with it the first time I heard it, and then noticed that they omitted any mention of being gay (silly, because that’s what the song is about..) I excused it, and it wasn’t until I saw someone really ragging on them over iTunes that I re-confronted this as the virulent form of homophobia that it is. Removing something in the name of propriety, though subtle and polite, is just about the worst form of prejudice. That’s precisely because it *is* so normative and quiet, a reinforcement of your bigoted beliefs when you know you have a huge audience.
I’m sharing it because, well, it’s pretty, and maybe it will get you angry too.