Shabbat Dinner: Funded and Raring to Go!

Wow! It was three weeks ago that Aidan and I were discussing our film’s budget and how much we thought we would be able to raise. We picked a number that we thought was acheivable, but we really had our doubts–and we were blown away. With every new backer we were touched, and would like to say again: thank you, thank you. We’re fairly in awe of the power of your collective support (Including additional money raised offline, we raised $3398 from 92 backers, 134% of our Kickstarter goal.) We don’t plan to let you down!
As much as our busy production schedule lets us, we’ll be keeping you up to date on the progress of the film, which will happen fairly rapidly from here. You can follow Michael’s facebook and twitter for quick updates, the kickstarter for production-related updates, or Michael’s blog for detailed updates along with a whole bunch of other junk.
Here’s our timeline:
November 6 – We completed a read-through of the script. We rehearsed with the actors, worked on character and delivery, and did a costume fitting. It was the first time all the actors had a chance to meet each other and it went great.
November 7 – Final draft of the script was completed and circulated to actors.
November 8 – Makeup test with Dan and costume fitting with Eva, who just got back to New York from Chicago
November 9-11 – equipment search and set decoration.
November 12-13 – THE SHOOT! A whirlwind journey through the world of Shabbat Dinner
That’s only half the magic. Then post production begins: editing, sound design, and color correction. By December 1 we will have a rough cut, and a full finished film should be complete by mid-January.
Stay tuned for more updates, and we’re looking forward to sharing the experience with you!