I fight the virus inside me

First time out this week, by a waterfall, wrote this.
(I'm pretty much back to full health)
I fight the virus inside me
With words
Go away, unwelcome one
You're not a part of me
I do not want you
As it travels my bloodstream and enters my cells
I fight the virus inside me
With stories
They have worked for me before
And they will work again
There is no virus, I say.
The virus laughs.
I fight the virus inside me
With the power of my will
I am stronger than this
I know better than this
I will defeat you
As my temperature climbs
And my lungs fill with fluid
I fight the virus inside me
With prayer
A wish for something different
A hope for something better
As time flows, tumbles inexorably
It overtakes me
I fight the virus inside me
With boundaries
Go back to China
Stay in India
I forbid you to enter my sacred presence
My N95 mask
It slips through every pore
I fight the virus inside me
With inoculation
Practice fights
Vaccines created by humanity\u00e2\u0080\u0099s best
It adapts
The global pandemic is inside me at last
The inevitable I've drawn out too long
My cautions, my resolve, our collective intelligence
The virus is inside me
Horizontal, prone
I breathe in the virus
I breathe out the virus
With patience
I love the virus
For what it has to teach me
For the destruction it brings
For the shadows it shows
For my ten days of solitude
And our two years of chaos
Enter my cells
And I will fight you
And neither of us will win
This beautiful battle
As old as time